Together we can make a difference!
Get more information about our upcoming events on our Facebook page
Get more information about our upcoming events on our Facebook page
General Membership Application (pdf)
DownloadThe Healing and Acceptance Reign
The Kind Hearted Emerald Emperor of Hope & Inclusion
of the 25th Kingdom.
His Most Imperial Majesty
Emperor XXV
Lance Sherrod
The Radiance of the Rainbow
The Heart of the Bayou,
The Gracefulness of the Lands.
Her Most Imperial Majesty
Empress XXV
Ashley Austin Nightmare Childers
The Dream Catcher Over the Rainbow
The Purple Hearted Protector of the Flying Monkeys.
The Broadway Prince.
His Most Imperial Highness
Imperial Crown Prince XXV
Coco Lee Bloom Devo Daae' Hi-Weigh from HELL
The Imperial Dragon Wolf of the Rainbow,
Friend to all,
Ruler of the Flying Monkeys.
Her Most Imperial Highness
Imperial Crown Princess XXV
Vida La' Diva Union De'Lynn Daae' Nightmare
Rainbow Prince XXV: Rocky
Rainbow Princess XXV: Aubrie Lambert
Czar XXV: Steve Wardle
Czarina XXV: Zsa Zsa Diamond West
Count XXV: Nathan Wilde
Countess XXV: Morgan Gallegos
Grand Duke XXV: Roberto Padilla
Grand Duchess XXV: Angelina Union Devo
Prime Minister XXV: Nick Rickman-Engstrom
King Father to Emperor XXV: Stevo from HELL
Queen Mother to Emperor XXV: J'Lee
Brother - Mayor of Munchkin Land: Bobby Childers
Brother - Keeper of the Guard: Matt Buchanan
Brother - Trainer of the Flying Monkeys: Dave Smith
Auntie - Dominatrix of the Munchkins: Nubbs
Sister - Courageous Lioness: MaryAnn Tycksen
Brother - Emerald Banker: Josh Phillips
Brother - Model of the Golden Jockstrap: Tim Brown
Step Sister - Wicked B*tch of the West: Lady Delish
Brother - Lord Scarecrow: Rocky Garaziano
Cousin - Emerald Jester: Scott Stites
Sister - Mistress of the Keeper of the Emerald Flock: Jacqueline Frost
Adopted Brother - Keeper of the Emerald Flock: Ducky David
Sister - Good Witch of the North: Angelina Union Devo
Brother - Maintainer of the Yellow Brick Road: Larry Lambert
Daughter - Heart Seeking Tin Woman: Aubrie Lambert
Emperor XXV Dignitas: Marky Fireball
King Father to Empress XXV: Shawn Craven
Queen Mother to Empress XXV: Lady Delish
Daughter - Ozma the Mistaken Daughter: Aubrie Austin Nightmare Childers
Imperial Father of the Emerald City: Ducky David
Imperial Mother of the Emerald City: Jacqueline Frost
The Beautiful Good Witch of all the North: Tina Louise Sapphire Dior
Queen of Vegetables Shall be Known as (Broccoli): Angelina Union Devo
The Tipsy Cowardly Lion: Fireball Mark
Her Most Wickedness Nessarose: Anita Shadow
The Broker for the Munchkin Land - Exiled Animals: J'Lee
Madame Morrible Teacher of Magical Talents: Platinum Giovonni
Doctor Dillamond Professor of Shiz: Bobby Childers
B*tch of the West with Ruby Slippers: Nubbs from HELL
The Warm and Kind Hearted Uncle Henry: Dave Smith
Scarecrow the Professor of Knowledge: Barry Dixon-Loya
Empress XXV Dignitas: MaryAnn Tycksen
Royal Father: Tempest Windz-Foxx
Royal Mother: Sherry Daae'
Royal Father: Matt Buchanan
Royal Mother: Angelina Union-Devo
Titles and Honors include such titles as our Citizens for Life, the Andy Davis / Alexis Devo Unconditional Love Award recipients, the Silver-Hearted Dragonfly Community Service Award recipients, the Emperor & Empress Emeritus/Dignitas, and our Pageant title holder
Their Imperial Majesties
Decade Emperor XV
^Russell Griffin
Decade Empress XV
Dionna West
Their Imperial Highness'
Decade Prince XV
Sean Childers-Gray
Decade Princess XV
Angelina Union-Devo
Their Imperial Majesties
Double Decade Emperor V
Steve Flint
Double Decade Empress V
Marquita Delevonte'
Their Imperial Highness'
Double Decade Prince V
Tim Brown
Double Decade Princess V
Sherry Jessop
Their Royal Majesties
Triple Decade Baron II
Rod Davenport
Triple Decade Baroness II
Our amazing team of volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information
The Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah, is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that raises money through events and fundraisers. We promote awareness for many types of causes like HIV/Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, Youth Support and Community Outreach.
To donate, click the "Donate Now" button below, select the fund you would like to donate to, and then select the denomination you would like to donate! Your donations are all tax deductible, and the receipt is your proof of donation.
Thanks for your support!
We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us affect change.
The Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah is inviting you to our monthly membership meeting
Our next meeting is scheduled:
Sunday, April 6th, 2025
5:30 PM Mountain Time
via Facebook live
For attendance credit (70% attendance required for title holders), this meeting must be viewed and an email sent to meeting@irconu.org
no later than 03/16/2025
The Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah is inviting you to our monthly Board meeting
Our next meeting is scheduled:
Sunday, April 6th, 2025
11:00 AM Mountain Time
@ American Legion Post #134
Clearfield, UT
Email Photo's to photos@irconu.org