"The Ogden Christmas Box House has provided shelter, care, and support to more than 5,500 children in the past two decades. Programs are provided by our incredible staff each day. Our generous community supports these programs and helps us provide opportunities for the youth we serve."
950 12th Street
Ogden, UT 84404
Please use the South Entrance (facing 12th street)
Questions? Contact Kristin Jensen at: kristin@thechristmasbox.org
(You may also bring any of these items to one of our shows/fundraisers held by the Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah and we will gladly get these needed items to the Christmas Box House for you.)
Please Note:
Any specific items in our Christmas Box House Resource Rooms that exceed foreseeable needs are shared with our local community partners or international partners, because we are all working together to better the lives of vulnerable children. Our commitment to you is that your donations will find their way to a child in need.
Our Social Media Links:
IRCONU Flickr (photos)
ICS Court Links:
Brother Court – Royal, Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Alamo Empire
Utah LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce
*Ogden Pride's Youth OUTreach Program
*Northern Utah Coalition, Inc. - HIV/Aids Project
Weber State University - LGBTQIA+ Resource Center
Utah State University Access & Diversity Center
*Lantern House (formerly St. Anne’s Center)
(* by Proclamation)
LGBTQ+ Community Health Resource
(* by Proclamation)
The following businesses offer cash back from purchases. Add the Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah as your charity of choice.
*Our FUNdraising directly helps these organizations because of Proclamations establishing funds in their name.